



Sport Performance Specialist, human and sport mechanics specialist, strength and conditioning, speed and footwork specialist 


Certified personal trainer


Rene graduated from Eastern Illinois University with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology specialized in Exercise Science. He is now the owner of MSF Sport Performance. Rene has had the pleasure working with numerous NFL (one Super Bowl champion), NBA, and MLB athletes.  His most recent success came in 2018 when he got the opportunity to work for USA Hockey and train their national USA Sled Hockey Team, which went on to win gold in the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic.

Client Testimonials

“Rene knows his craft.  At the conclusion of Karly’s initial assessment, he saw something.  He asked, “What happened to the left side of your body?”  Karly simply replied, “I broke my tib fib last year.”  Rene said our first issue is we need to correct the imbalance and then we will begin to train.  Since that day Rene and Karly have worked extremely hard to make her a better athlete.  She now is balanced but is more flexible, stronger and faster.  Karly looks forward to every training session.  Champions are not made on the ice but made in the times when no one is looking, sweat is dripping and you feel like you are pushed to your limits.  Rene takes the athlete’s passion and creates a unique training session making them want to come back for more every session.  Thank you Rene for all you do and will do for all future champion athletes.”

-John K


Shoot us a quick note about your fitness goals and we’ll get you set up with the perfect program in no time.
